- By Manzar Anjum
- January 26, 2024
- No Comments
When you think about WordPress, you probably think of it as a tool for creating blogs. However, WordPress is also a powerful tool in creating websites. The versatility of this program has made it become the tool of choice among people who want to create a web presence. To learn more about WordPress website SEO, read on.
If you are doing a WordPress blog for professional or search engine optimization purporses, don’t let WordPress actually host your blog. Put your blog on a different host and then just use the WordPress application there. Blogs at WordPress’ website are sometimes deleted for being too commercial or deemed spammy in content.
Make sure that all of the information on your site is current. This is very important as viewers will tend to veer away from your site if it is outdated or pointing out very old information. Spend time each week getting rid of the antiquated material on your website to improve how it looks.
Make sure you have a landing page. This will ensure that visitors arrive at a specific page instead of directing them right to your most recent posts. A landing page will help your site gain an air of authenticity and helps it to look a little more professional than it would have otherwise.
Become familiar with the options and tools that are at your disposal when you blog with WordPress. For instance, clicking on the button called KITCHEN SINK provides you with many options with regard to formatting and importing that can help you to customize your posts. SCREEN OPTIONS is another tab you are likely to see on the admin pages. Using this will help you better manage any formatting issues.
Alt and Title are two important things to know about. Use your Title and Alt. text tags when you use images in blog posts. You can create more SEO phrases and viewers have the ability to see what images are accessible in case they have turned images off.
If you want to create a line break, but not a paragraph break, hold shift while you press the enter key. This moves the cursor down to the next line without including any blank space. If you want to put a letterhead-type address on your page, this should make it a snap.
Include useful links at your footer. The footer is located at the bottom of your site. Most sites include contact information, copyright information and links to other sites in the footer. By including useful information in your footer, you can increase the sales, referrals and traffic to your site.
Choose a focused keyword for each post or page you create. What would someone be searching for if this is the exact content they wanted? Be sure to make your key phrases targeted as simple queries, such as “sailing tips”, are already overrun by thousands of competitors and their websites.
If your have opened up your WordPress blog for comments, be sure to monitor and moderate the comments. You do not want any inappropriate comments to appear on your blog that can be offensive to your readers. When you moderate incoming comments, you can delete spam and anything that you do not want to display to your readers.
To keep tabs on comments, you don’t need to visit each post separately. Instead, use your dashboard’s comments section to see what has been posted recently. You should check this page daily so that you know what people are saying and can reply if anyone requests more information or asks a question.
Schedule blog posts beforehand with WordPress. It is possible to have posts published at specified times, no matter where you happen to be. Go to “Edit”, and then find the “Publish” option. There should be an option for immediate publication. Select the time and date you want it to be published. Press OK. When your screen shows “Schedule For”, check this option and then hit the “Schedule” option if it is right.
Sticky the posts the you want to stay at the top of your page. If there are posts you want your visitors to see first, sticky them by going to the ‘visibility’ option on the ‘edit posts’ screen. Choose to sticky the selected messages to the first page, and that is it.
If you want to put two images side by side, try using an invisible table in your WordPress post. You can create a one row/two column table via your post editor and then embed a photo into each cell. You could take the next step and add another row underneath to add captions below each photo.
Is WordPress clutter getting you down? You can get rid of a few of those boxes that are present. Utilize “screen options” found at the top to take care of this. This will give you a drop-down menu where you can choose which boxes are visible.
If you have made a mistake in spelling of a name in multiple posts, or just want to change a certain word across your site, use the Search and Replace plugin to do the job for you. The time it takes to do this manually is horrific, so instead let the plugin get it done.
A great commenting plugin that is useful for WordPress is Disqus. This free commenting system works well with its API. You have the ability to import and back up your comments with it. It also adds essential SEO to your comments so that the search engines can index them easier.
Be sure to let people comment about your blog posts. People will feel more involved and you can learn about them as well. Different plugins can help you weed through and figure out which are the “real” comments and which are just spammers.
There is no limit to what you can create on the web with WordPress. This tool has all the features you need to build a website that is truly robust. What’s even more amazing is that this is totally supported by the global community and it is absolutely free. Remember what you have here, and see how WordPress can enhance your web presence.